For my Quartet, Quintet and Trio records I have typically used one set-up.
A 1999 Gibson ES-335 (Thank you Gibson!)
A 1966 Fender twin reverb with relatively new celestion vintage 30 speakers run stereo with either a Walter woods head or a 1966 Blackface Fender showman through a Pacific 1x12 cabinet with an EV speaker. I use an Electro Harmonix Deluxe memory man analog delay from which I run the wet signal to the Walter woods - or - showman and the dry signal to the Fender twin on which I use a little of the spring reverb in the amp.
A 1965 Fender Stratocaster, 1956 Fender Telecaster and a 2009 Gibson Les Paul
A 1971 Marshall 50W "Bass" head thru a Swanson 2x12 or Fender Bassman 2x12 cabinet
A 1966 Fender Vibrolux Reverb
I use different configurations of guitars and amps depending on the situation. These include Fender, Gibson, Gretsch, Humphrey,
Pedro De Miguel, Harmony and Silvertone guitars as well as Fender, Gibson, Vox, Marshall, Magnatone, Silvertone, Divided by 13 & Mesa
Boogie amplifiers
My effects set up is usually relatively simple. Here are a few of the things I use in addition to what I've already listed.
(The great majority of "distortion/overdrive" tones I get are created by turning my amps up loud enough to get the power tubes to naturally distort)
Late 1970's Ibanez tube screamer TS-808
Early 1980's Ibanez tube screamer TS-9
1980s Boss OD 1
Vemuram "Jan Ray"
Honda soundworks Fab tornado
Honda soundworks Fab cream
JMI Treble booster
ZVex boost
1960s Echoplex EP-2
EH Memory man
1980s Boss DM2
ROSS Stereo Delay
Ibanez AD9
1963 Fender Reverb
BOSS Fender Deluxe Reverb
Catalinbread Topanga spring reverb
EBS Dynaverb
1970s MXR (Script) Phase 90
1980s MXR (Block) Phase 90
1980s BOSS CE-2 Chorus
1970s MAESTRO Sample & Hold
Fryette Power Station PS2A
SPL Reducer
I endorse D'addario strings